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Voluptuous February 2008: 50 Photos of Nicole Peters

Nicole Peters is the kind of girl who will never fully realize the extent of the impact her huge ta-tas, curvy bod and attractive face have on the male brain. The Nicole Peters phenomenon continues to draw and attract fans from around the world. Five years after Nicole debuted, we still get emails from guys asking who she is. As Mr. G.L. once wrote “Nicole is my all time favorite. I have been a fan of big-busted models for twenty years and I tell you that she is the best looking, best built of anyone I have ever seen in any magazines, videos or websites!” And the reason this photo set was chosen is because of a comment by Mr. K.S. who saw in SCORE magazine one picture of Nicole wearing these boots. “Nicole Peters wears what can only be described as the sexiest pair of PVC thigh-boots I’ve ever seen. This item of ladies’ apparel has always registered high on my personal boner-ometer, so, naturally, I had to ask if we’ll be seeing the full layout from which that picture was taken in the near future?”

See More of Nicole Peters at!