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Voluptuous February 2008: 50 Photos of Wow Nikki

“I can make any man come in under five minutes with my boobs if I want to,” Wow Nikki says. “But I won’t if I’m extra-horny and need to get fucked hard in my pussy. I used to say that there’s nothing like the feeling of a hard cock down my throat but now I like to feel a big dick slide back and forth in my cleavage. Sometimes I like to have the guy tit-fuck me in the reverse direction so I can lick his balls. I was looking at a video on and saw a girl leave her bra on while she was being titty fucked. I’m going to start doing that. This way I can use my hands to play with his balls while he tit-fucks me.” Nikki likes to buy Frederick’s of Hollywood push-up bras to show off her man-toys. A good brand of bra for tit-fucking, no doubt.

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