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SCORE March 2008: 80 Photos of Merilyn Sakova

Merilyn wearing a PVC S&M costume posing on exercise equipment? There are many paradoxes in the universe. This combination is an example. Elon noticed this also. “I have seen a lot of pictorials of Merilyn Sakova and have written about her virtues many times. I’ve even been quoted on her website. But never have I needed so many superlatives to describe my arousal at seeing her in black vinyl splayed out on exercise equipment. She is truly amazing! The only thing better would be her tied up in bondage gear, but that’s asking for too much, isn’t it?” Of course not every guy gets into Merilyn. Maybe we should reword that. Merilyn doesn’t turn on every guy who sees her photos and videos. K.S. often writes harshly about Merilyn. “While I can appreciate Merilyn‘s incredible measurements, my personal tastes lie at the more voluptuous end of the spectrum. Huge boobs on stick-thin frames may drive most guys nuts but to me it just doesn’t look right.” Of course, K.S. is entitled to his opinions but Merilyn is not “stick-thin.” She’s far from that anorexic, emaciated “Top Model” look so popular now with the public. You’ve seen before on Scoreland that Merilyn loves food, cooking and eating. She may be slim but she’s got a beautiful figure!

See More of Merilyn Sakova at!